E-commerce: what changes with the Tax Reform?

comércio eletrônico

The approved Tax Reform substantially changed the Brazilian taxation model, completely transforming the national tax collection system. During the period of approval of the final text, all sectors were aware of the possible impacts, since the Reform directly and globally affects the country’s economy. Among these sectors, e-commerce is one that deserves to be highlighted. […]

Automotive industry: what will change with the Tax Reform?

The automotive sector has always received important tax incentives because vehicles are essential for urban mobility and because of the social interest in the automotive industry, which is one of the most important sectors of the Brazilian economy. The main benefits include: However, as you know, the initial idea of the Tax Reform is to […]

Judicial reorganization: crop failure causes claims to skyrocket in 2023

Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency department, was interviewed live on Canal Rural’s Mercado & Cia program, where he discussed the crop failure and the increase in requests for judicial recovery by rural producers. During the conversation with journalist Pryscilla Paiva, Leonardo explained, among other things, how the judicial recovery process […]