Judgment on theme 1232: possible impacts for companies in labor cases

Julgamento do tema 1232

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) will decide in a physical plenary session on Theme 1232, which deals with the inclusion of companies from the same economic group in the execution phase of labor proceedings. The final decision will have a significant impact on companies and workers throughout Brazil. In order to determine whether one organization […]

STF request for review suspends judgment on tax benefits for pesticides

benefícios fiscais para defensivos agrícolas

Justice Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), has asked to see the case that discusses the constitutionality of Agreement No. 100/1997 of the National Finance Policy Council (Confaz), which provides for a 60% reduction in the ICMS tax base on interstate sales of certain crop protection products. Another target of the Direct […]

Salary Transparency Report: check the deadline for filing

Relatório de Transparência Salarial

Since January, companies with more than 100 employees have been required to fill in or rectify the Salary Transparency Report, and the deadline for filling in the data is March 8. It is important to note that in the event of non-compliance, the company is subject to an administrative fine of up to 3% of […]

Is it bankruptcy’s turn?

The article “Is it bankruptcy’s turn?”, written by Leonardo Ribeiro Dias and João Máximo Rodrigues, from our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, is featured in Estadão. Three years after the reform of the Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law, the Federal Government intends to implement new changes to the corporate insolvency system, this time focusing on bankruptcy. […]

Is it bankruptcy’s turn?


Three years after the important reform of the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law, the Federal Government intends to implement new changes to the corporate insolvency system, this time focusing on bankruptcy. This likely update should generate interesting opportunities for the stressed asset market. According to data from Serasa Experian, based on the 12 months to November […]