Challenges of AI regulation in the M&A sector

IA no setor de M&A

With the rapid development of highly complex disruptive technologies, innovative tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the blockchain protocol are increasingly gaining ground in the legal market, with an emphasis on the M&A sector. In addition to optimizing operational efficiency, analysing data, automating processes and guaranteeing the integrity of transactions and/or their respective data, […]

Mariana Piva is the new head of the Labor practice at Marcos Martins Advogados

We announce the arrival of Mariana Piva as the newest member of the firm’s team of specialists. She will take over as the new head of the Labor area, which focuses on companies, providing legal assistance in preventive, advisory, judicial or administrative litigation. With a degree in Law, specializations in Labour Law and Labour Procedure […]

Growth trends in the M&A market


In 2023, political and economic uncertainties on a global scale resulted in a drop in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions in Brazil. According to the report Brazil – Annual Report 2023, published by TTR Data, we had a total of 2,008 M&A transactions compared to 2,387 transactions completed in 2022, which represents a drop of […]