Articles of association: strategic clauses for a solid company

contrato social

The memorandum of association is the document that establishes the basic conditions for setting up a company, such as the company name, the corporate purpose, the distribution of shares, among others. For the contract to be valid, the law establishes a series of mandatory clauses, which lay down the basic premises for registering the company. […]

How and why to incorporate ESG factors into business?

First of all, it is important to clarify that it is no simple task to measure the degree of compliance of each company and what practices are required in each segment of activity to meet ESG objectives and factors. The methodologies are diverse and the study of this science is wide-ranging. These are changing criteria […]

STJ denies restitution to borrower after failed property auctions

restituição de valores a mutuário

Recently, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) upheld the decision of the 32nd Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo State Court of Justice, which did not refund the amounts to the borrower after the loan defaulted, as provided for in Law No. 9.514/97 – the “Fiduciary Alienation Law”. This […]

Odebrecht files for judicial reorganization with debts of 4.6 billion dollars

Odebrecht’s request for judicial reorganization has been accepted by the courts. The company has debts totaling 4.6 billion dollars. In an interview with Rádio Nova Brasil FM, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our Litigation, Arbitration and Insolvency practice, said that the expectation is that the group will be able to restructure its debts and obtain […]