STJ authorizes seizure of family assets to pay retirement debts

penhora de bem de família

In a recent ruling (REsp 2.082.860 – RS), the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) decided that the exception to the unseizability of family property also applies to debts incurred for the renovation of the property itself, demonstrating the adaptability of the law to the circumstances of each case. In the case […]

STJ annuls execution of confession of debt in factoring contract: understand the implications and the importance of contractual transparency

contrato de factoring

In a recent decision (REsp 2.106.765- CE ), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) annulled the execution of a debt confession instrument linked to a commercial development contract (factoring). Factoring, also known as faturization or fomento mercantil, can be described, in a simplified way, as a commercial transaction through which a certain company (faturizadora) acquires […]

Agribusiness challenges: strategies for the sector’s evolution

desafios do agronegócio

Agribusiness accounted for an impressive 24.8% of GDP last year, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea/Esalq/USP) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). In addition, Brazil is one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products, one of the essential activities for the performance of the national […]