Retroactivity of the labor reform on current employment contracts

In a scenario marked by legislative transformations, Law No. 13,467/2017, better known as the labor reform, has emerged as a watershed, catalyzing changes in Brazilian labor relations. It is important to explore the challenges related to the judgment of the Superior Labor Court (TST) regarding the retroactivity of this reform, analyzing the elements that govern […]

Selic rate for updating judicial indemnities: everything right and nothing solved!

Selic para atualização de indenizações judiciais

Since 2021, there have been many requests for review and interruptions in the judgment of REsp n. 1.795.982/SP, which will define under the general repercussion regime (binding decision for all courts in the country) whether civil debts should be updated using the Selic Rate or monetary correction and interest of 1% per month. On March […]

Main precautions to consider when selling a company

vender uma empresa

Selling a company is a strategic decision that requires a careful approach and meticulous planning. To this end, before starting the sale process, entrepreneurs must carry out a detailed valuation of the company in order to set a fair price and attract qualified buyers. This involves not only evaluating tangible assets such as equipment and […]

Is it bankruptcy’s turn?


Three years after the important reform of the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law, the Federal Government intends to implement new changes to the corporate insolvency system, this time focusing on bankruptcy. This likely update should generate interesting opportunities for the stressed asset market. According to data from Serasa Experian, based on the 12 months to November […]

Falling interest rates: opportunities and challenges for companies

Queda da taxa de juros

According to the Focus Bulletin, released in February, economists estimate that the Selic rate will reach 9% in 2024. The latest statement from the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) indicated that the pace of interest rate cuts will be maintained in the next few meetings. As a result, it is likely that there will be two […]

E-commerce: what changes with the Tax Reform?

comércio eletrônico

The approved Tax Reform substantially changed the Brazilian taxation model, completely transforming the national tax collection system. During the period of approval of the final text, all sectors were aware of the possible impacts, since the Reform directly and globally affects the country’s economy. Among these sectors, e-commerce is one that deserves to be highlighted. […]

Automotive industry: what will change with the Tax Reform?

The automotive sector has always received important tax incentives because vehicles are essential for urban mobility and because of the social interest in the automotive industry, which is one of the most important sectors of the Brazilian economy. The main benefits include: However, as you know, the initial idea of the Tax Reform is to […]

Tax reform and agribusiness

reforma tributária e o agronegócio

In Brazil’s economic panorama, agribusiness occupies a highly important place. According to data from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea), the sector should be responsible for around 24.4% of the country’s GDP in 2023, with approximately R$2.63 trillion. Because of its importance, the impacts of tax reform on the sector are being […]

Textile industry: what will change with the Tax Reform?

indústria têxtil

The approved Tax Reform will substantially modify the Brazilian tax model, creating tax guidelines and at the same time bringing our legislation into line with international formats. With the unification of taxes, the new model will have the following format: In the course of approving the final text, various sectoral approaches were taken into consideration, […]