With Gol in receivership, what happens to passengers? Is there a risk of no flight?

In an interview with Uol journalist Alexandre Saconi, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on Gol’s judicial reorganization process. With the announcement of its adherence to Chapter 11 in the United States, many questions have been raised, including why the company chose to file outside of Brazil. According to […]

What should be Gol’s next steps in judicial reorganization in the US?

In an interview with InfoMoney journalist Iuri Santos, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on the next steps for Gol, which is undergoing judicial reorganization in the US. Gol has filed for judicial reorganization in the US and now depends on the approval of the US$950 million financing through […]

STJ recognizes validity of contractual clause limiting liability

cláusula contratual de limitação de responsabilidade

The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has recognized the validity of a contractual clause that provides for the limitation of liability of the contracting parties, provided that it is freely agreed. It is therefore a matter of guaranteeing the exercise of the parties’ autonomy of will, which must be ensured as […]