Extending impeniability: STJ recognizes protection for other financial assets

ampliação da impenhorabilidade

In a recent decision (REsp n. 1.677.144-RS.), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) broadened its understanding of the unseizability of amounts deposited in checking accounts and other financial investments. The case in question brought up a crucial discussion on the interpretation of article 833, X, of the Code of Civil Procedure, which specifies the unseizability […]

Rural workers’ commute: what about hours in itinere after the labor reform?

horas in itinere

Hours in itinere (or commuting hours) consist of the company’s obligation to compute the time it takes its employee to get to work as hours actually worked, in situations where the employer provides transportation and the workplace is difficult to reach or not served by public transportation. This rule was first dealt with through Precedent […]

Attachment of debtors’ business income: consolidation of the STJ’s understanding

Penhora do faturamento empresarial

The First Section of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in a recent ruling on Repetitive Appeals (REsp 1.666.542, REsp 1.835.864 and REsp 1.835.865), settled any disagreements regarding the appropriateness, application and extent of the attachment of debtors’ business income. According to Justice Herman Benjamin’s opinion, since the 1973 reform of the Code of Civil […]

STJ recognizes that summons delivered to condominium doorman is not always valid

citação entregue ao porteiro de condomínio

The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in a recent ruling – REsp 2.069.123/SP (2023/0143738-6) – recognized the relativity of the presumption of validity of the summons delivered to the concierge of a building condominium, even if without reservations, dismissing the understanding that defended its absolute nature. Art. 248, §4 of the […]

Minas Gerais government establishes plan to settle ICMS debts

The Government of Minas Gerais has published Decree No. 48.790/2024, which establishes a plan for the regularization of tax credits in the state. The Decree provides for the possibility of settling ICMS debts, fines and other legal additions, with triggering events occurring up to March 31, 2023. Eligible for regularization are debts that have been […]