Tax transaction in São Paulo: opportunity for companies to settle ICMS debts

Transação tributária em São Paulo

For a long time, São Paulo taxpayers had been asking the state tax authorities to implement a special program to settle their ICMS debts. In December 2023, the São Paulo Tax Transaction was instituted, delegating responsibility for regulating the process to the São Paulo State Attorney General’s Office (PGE-SP) through State Law No. 17,843/23. In […]

STF request for review suspends judgment on tax benefits for pesticides

benefícios fiscais para defensivos agrícolas

Justice Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), has asked to see the case that discusses the constitutionality of Agreement No. 100/1997 of the National Finance Policy Council (Confaz), which provides for a 60% reduction in the ICMS tax base on interstate sales of certain crop protection products. Another target of the Direct […]

Taxpayers and lawyers work on new theses to challenge ICMS Difal

In an interview with Jota journalist Carolina Ingizza, Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, commented on the legal disputes surrounding the collection of the ICMS rate differential – Difal. Difal is charged on interstate transactions involving the sale of goods and services to recipients who are not ICMS taxpayers. However, its collection is questioned […]

E-commerce: what changes with the Tax Reform?

comércio eletrônico

The approved Tax Reform substantially changed the Brazilian taxation model, completely transforming the national tax collection system. During the period of approval of the final text, all sectors were aware of the possible impacts, since the Reform directly and globally affects the country’s economy. Among these sectors, e-commerce is one that deserves to be highlighted. […]

Automotive industry: what will change with the Tax Reform?

The automotive sector has always received important tax incentives because vehicles are essential for urban mobility and because of the social interest in the automotive industry, which is one of the most important sectors of the Brazilian economy. The main benefits include: However, as you know, the initial idea of the Tax Reform is to […]

STF hears new appeal on ICMS on the transfer of goods between branches

In an interview with journalist Marcela Villar, from Valor Econômico, Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax area, commented on the judgment of the new appeal in a lawsuit filed by Sindicom on the levying of ICMS on the transfer of goods between branches. When the STF ruled on the issue in 2021, it was decided […]

STJ decides to exclude ICMS-ST from PIS and COFINS calculation basis


The 1st section of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) recently ruled on Theme 1125, establishing the thesis that the ICMS-ST is not part of the calculation basis for the Contribution to the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Contribution to the Financing of Social Security (COFINS) due by the substituted taxpayer. The analysis of […]

Tax reform and agribusiness

reforma tributária e o agronegócio

In Brazil’s economic panorama, agribusiness occupies a highly important place. According to data from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea), the sector should be responsible for around 24.4% of the country’s GDP in 2023, with approximately R$2.63 trillion. Because of its importance, the impacts of tax reform on the sector are being […]

The impacts of tax reform on the commercial and industrial sectors

The article “The impacts of tax reform on the commercial and industrial sectors”, written by Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, is featured in Gazeta do Povo. In addition to unifying various taxes and reducing bureaucracy in the tax collection system, the tax reform seeks to reduce distortions in the tax burden calculated along […]