Electronic Work Domicile (DET): a new tool for communicating with companies

The Labor Electronic Domicile (DET) is a federal government system regulated by Decree 11.905/2024, which is already in operation and will be used for communication between labor inspectors and employers.

According to the DET manual, its objective is to provide greater publicity and efficiency to the relationship between the Public Administration and the administered, through the digitalization of services, in order to increase the security and transparency of the information transmitted and reduce the duration of the process and operating costs.

Application and deadline for registration

The DET is provided for in article 628-A of the CLT and applies to all employers, including domestic employers and other entities subject to labor inspection, with or without employees. The deadline for voluntary registration is 90 days. After this period, registration will be compulsory and based on the data provided to the Federal Revenue Service.

Access to the tool will take place through authentication on the gov.br website, and the employer may provide electronic power of attorney to third parties to act on their behalf within the platform.

The company must also provide and keep updated at least one e-mail address where it will receive alerts and communications in the DET mailbox. Notifications will be acknowledged on the day the employer makes the electronic query, or after 15 calendar days without the query.


The system will be mandatory as follows:

–> Employers in eSocial groups 1 and 2 (practically all private companies not opting for Simples Nacional):

  • March 1, 2024: start of the voluntary registration period;
  • May 30, 2024: deadline for adherence. As of this date, the DET becomes mandatory for these groups.

–> Employers in eSocial groups 3 and 4 (employers opting for Simples Nacional, individual employers, individual rural producers, non-profit entities, public bodies and international organizations) and domestic employers:

  • May 1, 2024: start of the voluntary registration period;
  • July 30, 2024: deadline for signing up. As of this date, the DET becomes mandatory for these groups.

All employers must update their DET registration data on the det.sit.trabalho.gov.br website. After the update, the employer will be able to draw up a power of attorney for third parties on their behalf, through the Electronic Power of Attorney System (SPE), which is available on the spe.sistema.gov.br website.

Functionalities of the tool

The new tool has several features, such as

  1. Informing the employer of any administrative measures, tax procedures, summonses and notices issued by the MTE;
  2. Requesting that the employer provide documents and information to the inspectorate;
  3. Informing of deadlines for compliance with legal obligations;
  4. Sending the employer documents and information requested during the inspection;
  5. Informing the employer of the issuing of interdiction notices;
  6. Notifying the employer of the issuance of infraction notices and FGTS debt notices, setting deadlines for presenting a defense;
  7. Notifying the employer of decisions taken in administrative proceedings, providing deadlines for settling debts or filing administrative appeals;
  8. Presenting defenses, appeals and monitoring the progress of administrative labor proceedings;
  9. Facilitating the payment of administrative fines;
  10. Issuing certificates related to labor infractions, FGTS debts, labor fines and compliance with labor obligations;
  11. Request that the company draw up an action plan to correct gender pay discrepancies identified from the new pay transparency report;
  12. Record enforcement actions and their outcomes;
  13. Notify the company of the appointment of hearings.

We would like to stress that it is of the utmost importance to complete the updates to the Electronic Workplace Domicile before the new tool is fully implemented. To this end, it is essential to consult with the legal team responsible for the company, in order to ensure a smooth transition without any setbacks when adopting this system.

Our labor team is available to answer any questions that may arise with this new implementation.

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