Angelo Ambrizzi

With more than 20 years of experience, Angelo has solid experience in medium and large companies with a focus on managing complex tax liabilities, adapting debt payments to the company’s cash flow, as well as expertise in the consultancy area focused on problem solving. tax authorities with a strategic, personalized and comprehensive vision.

Professor of Tax Law and Tax Practice since 2014. Currently, he teaches in the Specialization Course in Business and Tax Law at the Centro Universitário Eurípides de
Marília-UNIVEM/SP (since 2022)

Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Business and Tax Law at Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília-UNIVEM/SP.

He has extensive experience in serving the automotive and replacement industrial areas, plastics, technology and food, as well as agribusiness and logistics.

Speaker on various topics in the tax area.

Member of the REDDE Research Group – Recognition of Vulnerables and the Right to Development in the Digital Era, registered in the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

Member of the GRAMMAR OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS IN THE DIGITAL ERA research group, at the Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília.

Master’s student in Law in the area of concentration Law and State in the digital era at Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília – UNIVEM/SP

Specialist in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law IBET

Postgraduate in Tax Process and Administrative Tax Process from Escola Superior da Advocacia

Postgraduate in Indirect Taxes: IPI, ICMS and ISS from the São Paulo Association of Tax Studies APET

Leadership – CCL

Postgraduate in Taxation of Digital Economy Businesses – FGV Direito-SP (GVlaw)

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of Marília – Univem

University Extension in Finance for Lawyers at Sain Paul – Business School

University Extension in Business Turnaround: from Restructuring to Judicial Recovery by Insper

Extension in the Management and Leadership Program: Leadership Executive Program by the Center for Creative

Extension on Tax Planning in Agribusiness – FAAP